Version 96 of Descript
Aug 14, 2024Transcript:
It's August 14th, 2024, and today, some pretty major announcements from Descript, and some big updates with version 96 of the software.
The first thing that de scripted announced was that in two weeks they're going to add what's called rooms and it's going to be something that you can add You can start a room straight from your descript workspace And what it is is it's essentially squad cast D scripts video calling feature built directly into your Descript app So you won't have to launch your web browser to squad in order to run a remote interview it's all going to be done from inside of the Descript app And right here this thing that I had pulled up his feedback dot D And this is where they post all of what's new in the latest version they have a message from the CEO here kind of walking through um how that's going to work But again that's going to come out on August 28th So that's that's two weeks from today As I make this
The first update of this week has to do with composition labeling. So if you notice here at the top of my composition, there's this thing that says. Name your creation. Now that's been gone the last few versions for about a month and a half or two months. You the only way to name it was up at the top using the center composition label and then rename.
But now it's added back here just like it originally was before the latest version of Descript.
and Then below that.
And this is awesome. I didn't even think I needed this, but I realized how valuable this is going to be. This thing right here, Import from Zoom. So when you click on that, and I'm not going to do it right now, I'm going to make a separate video walking you through how to do it, because it is a little bit involved.
But when you click Import from Zoom, you can link your account, your Descript account, to Zoom in order to bring in your Zoom recordings as sequences. If you don't know what that means, go back and watch some of my other videos about sequences. But basically, Zoom, until now, has only given you one file. So if you have two or more guests, up to as many guests as you want on a Zoom call, it's going to put all of them into one file, no matter what, by default.
However, now, with this integration, and I haven't tested this yet, but again, I'm going to make a video and show you how this all works. What they're telling us is that you're going to get separate sequences From all of your guests on a zoom call the way that squad cast currently does. So this is huge because so many people use zoom.
Zoom is reliable and it's familiar. So this is going to be a big level up and you're gonna be able to put your work calls into Descript to quickly edit them, to quickly parse out, things that you need using AI.
And again, didn't even know I needed this, but I'm super glad it's here.
The next thing is, you can now monitor your AI usage. So if you go to your settings, come down to settings, and then down to usage, this will show you how many of your allocated monthly AI usages you've used. Now, I'm on the creator legacy plan, so I have unlimited AI usage. Um, usage of both Underlord Basic and Underlord Advanced.
But depending on what your plan you're on, if you're on Free, Hobbyist, or Creator, your limits are gonna vary, so this is just a way that you can monitor that. Again, that's in Settings, Usage, and then it's gonna look like this with letting you know how much you've used out of your allocated AI budget.
And then it tells you when it's gonna reset. So for me, my billing is in 8 days, and it's letting me know that.
Next, we gave them a little bit more flexibility with the edit for clarity AI features. So if you come up to under Lord then you hit edit for clarity. Then there's now an intensity bar, so low, medium, heavy. So before it was just submit, that was all you could do, but now you can change how. Intensely.
Do you want this thing to be, how intensely do you want it to scrutinize your grammar or your retakes? Things like that? do you want to say low, medium, heavy, and then you hit submit and it's going to run it through Chad GBT and then spit out a result on the backend.
the next new thing with the script in this version is flattened.
Tracks is now available on web. If you're not familiar with this feature or you've never used it before. Flattening tracks is when you have a project with multiple layers and you click flatten tracks, and then you find it right here, flattened composition, either script only, or all layers. And what that's going to do is put all of your layers into one track.
So then you're basically starting with a clean layer, a clean script layer Personally, I haven't had to use flattened composition much, but it does come in handy every once in a while. And when I have used it, it takes a long time to apply. So they're saying that it should now be much faster, which is great because it is one of the slowest things in de script that I've ever used.
The next new thing is the regenerate feature.
It used to, if you applied this to a sequence, it wouldn't work very well. Well, first of all, if you applied it to a sequence, it would give you a warning that it's not going to regenerate the video. And what it would do is it would just place a black video over the part that you regenerated. Well, no longer.
It's now going to actually re time the video content to match the new length of the regenerated speech. So it's going to work the same way that it does on a single file. And if you've never run into that issue before you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it. Cause it's just going to work now.
So that is a very welcome thing. Regenerate is getting better and better.
And lastly, there is a whole array of bug fixes. Things are just continuing to get better, continuing to work smoother, quicker, And the software's getting better week by week. I'm excited to check in for the next one. With the rooms updates. See you then.
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